Godse more popularly Nathuram Godse a very well known personality who killed Gandhi. But ever thought why someone would ever want to kill the so called father of the nation?
A very prominent question that no one thinks or talk about. When the nation got independence and the country was divided into two, there were many who didn’t wanted this to happen. Godse was one of them. But was this the only reason for someone to kill ? Certainly NO, while this was one of them butthere were many others as well. Allow me to present them here. After the partition there were minorities(mainly Hindus and sikhs) in Pakistan facing human rights issues, people being raped and killed every hour, villages getting extinct everyday and mass killings overnight. But Gandhi never took a stand and always opposed them to seek refugee in india. Rather, he protested against those who already entered crossing borders. Police were ordered lathi charge, several died and thousands were forced to leave their place overnight in Raining and chilling winter night making them homeless. Mothers, children, old’s and the young’s everyone cried but no one ever talked about them, not even now. Press emergency Act was used to silence media and many arrested those tried to speak. This was the result of Gandhi Hunger Strike on 13 Jan 1948(Popularly aamran aanshan ). . According to “Morarji Desai declaration there were around 900 such instances”. Citing mass killings of minorities and destruction of religious places in Pakistan, GOI blocked 55 crore INR that india was suppose to pay but Gandhi ji hunger strike forced Indian govt to release funds. What Pakistan couldn’t achieve through power but achieved because of Gandhi. This angered and blew away minds of many Indians and Gandhi was heavily criticised nationwide.
In Kanpur a student named “Ganesh shankar” was lynched to death by muslims. On this Gandhi said “Everyone should lay down their life as him to promote ahimsha and hindu muslim unity”. This angered Indians worldwide and Gandhi lost many of his followers.
When the nation got independence Hyderabad was an independent state and not part of India. The condition in Hyderabad was no less then Pakistan. But whenever Indian govt tried to respond Hyderabad offensively Gandhi protested. He even declared Hyderabad congress leaders as communal citing hindu muslim unity and GOI was forced not to take actions. But after his death Hyderabad was captured and became inalienable part of india.
Godse on his last speech stated “I believe Gandhi ji worked hard and accepted many discomforts for the nation. He was the one to create awareness among Indians but he was least strong enough to accept that his law of ahimsa was not idle and failed. I respect him a lot for what he has done for the nation but hate him for every action that led to division of country”.
All these instances led many Indians angered and godse was one of them which ultimately led him to kill the father of the nation.
-By Rohan Bhalotia